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Kayak trolling motors are one of the most useful pieces of kayak fishing gear that we’ve come across in many years. KFC explains, in the Kayak Trolling Motor Ultimate Guide, that kayak trolling motors are simply the best way to get you and your fishing kayak across the water with ease!
But, there are tons of different kinds of kayak trolling motor on the market today. We’ve started by ranking the 5 Best Kayak Trolling Motors! Which is the best kayak trolling motor? Well, its hard to name a “best”, so perhaps we ought to focus on the Top 3 Kayak Trolling Motors instead!

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We write our kayak fishing reviews without bias.
KayakFishingCorner.com is 100% free from bias. This independence allows us to review kayak fishing gear in a neutral manner, and doing so provides the best resource for the kayak fishing community! Each product review posted on KayakFishingCorner.com is written to guide the kayak fishing community in its quest to discover the best kayak fishing products on the market today.

We update the KFC site frequently to make sure we stay on top of kayak fishing developments! Here, KayakFishingCorner writes about the Top 3 Kayak Trolling Motors, highlighting features that make them perfect for kayak fishing!
Parts of a Kayak Trolling Motor


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Shortcut to Kayak Trolling Motor #1 Review
Shortcut to Kayak Trolling Motor #2 Review
Shortcut to Kayak Trolling Motor #3 Review
KayakFishingCorner.com has written this article to focus on all of the important features of what we’ve determined to be the top 3 kayak trolling motors on the market. We’ve organized this article to include a brief “how to use” a kayak trolling motor bulleted list, a brief summary of the important features of each kayak trolling motor, and have even included links to where you can learn more about each of our recommendations. Finally, we’ve included a section that details our own experience with kayak trolling motors, and we’re certain that you’ll find that story to be quite entertaining!
This Top 3 Kayak Trolling Motors post focuses on the kayak trolling motors that we have identified as being the best of the best! Because each of the kayak trolling motors have different redeeming qualities, especially in terms of their use for kayak fishing purposes, we do not assign ranks #1, #2, and #3 to them.
Rather, we simply list the Top 3 Kayak Trolling Motors, in no particular order, allowing you to pick out which you feel is best, based on the features that we highlight for you! KFC is certain that any of our recommendations below would be perfectly suited for kayak fishing purposes, but the choice is up to you! Be sure to write in to KFC and let us know which you’ve decided to go with and why. Who knows, maybe KFC will share your opinion with the kayak fishing community!
How to Use the Top 3 Kayak Trolling Motors

A listing of the top 3 kayak trolling motors doesn’t do much good if we didn’t also describe how to use them. KFC has put together the list below in hopes of providing an easy “how to” guide, showing you the step by step process for attaching and using your kayak trolling motor. Be sure to write in to us if you need any extra help!
- First, you’ll need to identify a location on your fishing kayak where you want to install the trolling motor.
- KFC usually recommends attaching the trolling motor towards the stern (back) of the fishing kayak.
- Make sure the location you choose is a spot where the grip (or throttle) of the kayak trolling motor is situated near your dominant arm.
- After finding your preferred point of installation, attach the mounting arm (which comes with the kayak trolling motor mount) to the hull of the fishing kayak.
- Trolling motor mounts typically come with all the necessary mounting hardware, but be sure that this is the case with the particular motor mount that you’re considering purchasing.
- Proper installation will look something like the image below:

- After properly mounted, be sure to verify the strength of the connection of the kayak trolling motor mount to the fishing kayak’s hull.
- One way to test the connection is by pushing the mounting arm forward and backward, then pushing from side to side. Make sure the connection remains secure.
- Then, secure the kayak trolling motor to the kayak trolling motor mount. This is accomplished by using the C clamps and wing nuts that most manufacturers include. Again, be certain that your motor mount comes with this mounting gear.
- You want a rigid connection to keep your trolling motor and the trolling motor mount totally affixed to one another. They should not move independently of one another.
- After confirming you have a rigid connection, secure the kayak trolling motor to the trolling motor battery. You’ll need to be very careful when making this connection.
- Avoid injury to yourself and damage to your equipment by keeping any cables and wiring stowed in an out of the way location.
- Then, once you’ve placed your fishing kayak into the water, confirm the connection of the battery to the trolling motor by gently twisting the throttle to supply power.
- We always suggest confirming that your propeller is capable of turning in a clockwise and a counterclockwise manner, as this will be critical to ensuring your forward and backward movement.
- Once you’ve determined that your kayak trolling motor mount is properly attached to the trolling motor, as well as the kayak itself, you should be ready to ready to head out to the waters and bring home the largest fish possible!
Top 3 Kayak Trolling Motors: Important Features
(Commissions Earned)
Great Choice for Kayak Fishing
The kayak trolling motor depicted above provides 55 pounds of thrust. Remember, “pounds” of “thrust” is the unit of measurement used to indicate how mush “push” a kayak trolling motor is capable of delivering.
This particular manufacturer also makes 36, 46, 62 and 86 pound models of kayak trolling motor, but we think the 55 pound model is the best middle ground for kayak fishing purposes. Why? Well, it allows you to travel at roughly 4 miles per hour, and does so without putting tremendous strain on the battery. In other words, this kayak trolling motor won’t compromise your battery life, allowing you to kayak fish for longer periods of time!

Also, and importantly, the motor is the appropriate size for a 10.5 foot long fishing kayak. If your fishing kayak is a little longer, or even a little heavier, you might consider taking a step up to the 62 or 86 pound models.
The shaft on this model is 30 inches long, and is conveniently adjustable so that you can set the appropriate angle for the propeller, and also make sure your unit isn’t damaged when you get into depths of less than 30 inches. I don’t know about your experience, but it seems like sometimes the fish hide in these shallow depths, and its nice to have a kayak trolling motor that can get me safely into the target zones!
Another Great Choice
(Commissions Earned)
I don’t know about you, but it seems like I am quick to find myself in a tight spot with my fishing kayak. Sometimes, I am quite literally up a creek and without a paddle. Or, at least my paddles aren’t doing me much good in terms of navigating in a tight spot!
This kayak trolling motor actually comes with 8 different speed settings! The first 5 speeds turn the propeller such that the fishing kayak goes forward, and the next 3 speeds turn the propeller such that the fishing kayak goes backwards. This versatility has allowed me to travel far upstream with the confidence that I could quickly reverse myself out of a jam if things got too tight!

This kayak trolling motor attaches to the fishing kayak with a “lever-lock” system, which is just a fancy way of saying that it is adjustable to fit fishing kayaks of a variety of different shapes and sizes. Even though highly adjustable, KFC is quick to recommend a kayak trolling motor mount, because this will allow for the most secure form of attachment to the fishing kayak itself.
Finally, the manufacturer proudly boasts of an “indestructible” composite shaft. This is admittedly a pretty bold claim, but the quality does in fact seem to be there on this kayak trolling motor. The rigidity, durability and quality of the kayak trolling motor shaft is of critical importance. Don’t be tempted to go with a less expensive model of kayak trolling motor and sacrifice the quality of the shaft!
Maybe you read KFC’s Kayak Beach Trolley post and you’ve been inspired to take your kayak fishing hobby to the ocean! Be careful, not all kayak trolling motors have been designed to work in both fresh and salt water. Trust us, you don’t want to take a freshwater kayak trolling motor out into the ocean. It won’t last long!
And Another Great Choice
(Commissions Earned)
This kayak trolling motor is actually designed for use in saltwater. Better yet? It is equally at home in freshwater! Its almost like buying two kayak trolling motors in one! Think of the convenience afforded by not being required to change out your kayak trolling motor each time you go to a different water type. More time to relax on the beach (or fish, of course!).

The propeller of the kayak trolling motor has three blades, which is important to assure yourself of a smooth ride along the water. Three blades, rather than two, also ensures that the kayak trolling motor “works” less hard, which results in longer battery life and reduced “noise” during the unit’s operation. Less noise? Less opportunity to chase away fish!

What else has earned this kayak trolling motor its spot on this Top 3 Kayak Trolling Motors post? Its 10 digit battery charge indicator (shown in the image above)! I am sure I am not alone when stating that I have been known to lose track of time while on the water. I have come dangerously close to running out of power and being stranded far from land!
With the battery life indicator that has been included on this kayak trolling motor, it is easy for me to be certain of how much juice I have left, ensuring that I plan my kayak fishing outing in a safe manner. Also, if you take a close look, you can see that the unit also has forward and reverse capability like the kayak trolling motors earlier depicted. Such a great feature!
Top 3 Kayak Trolling Motors: My Experience

We write about the first time I saw a kayak trolling motor in KFC’s Kayak Trolling Motor Basics post. Trust us, you’ll enjoy the short read! Long story short, I knew that I was tired of arriving late to the best fishing locations. All the best fish were already gone! I knew that the kayak trolling motor could help me get to the prime spots first!
I set out to find the best kayak trolling motor. One that would best suit me in my kayak fishing trips! Sure, there are a number of kayak trolling motors on the market, but I wanted something with features designed specifically for kayak fishing.

I came across so many kayak trolling motors in my research. Some boasted of great speed, but didn’t have the durability I needed. Some were great candidates for freshwater kayak fishing, but wouldn’t be suitable for kayak fishing trips to the salty oceans! Still others promised great adjustability, but seemed to be compromised with lower quality materials and fasteners.
After a long while, I came across three kayak trolling motors that seemed to tick all of the boxes that I was searching for. Simply put, they made great candidates as top quality kayak trolling motors for kayak fishing. I was very conflicted on which one was ultimately right for me. While I finally made my selection, I do not name it in this article. Why? Because the kayak trolling motors above are the Top 3 Kayak Trolling Motors, meaning that each of them might just be the perfect fit for you! Now it is up to you to make the best choice for your own kayak fishing style!

I hope this article has helped you learn more about our definitive listing of the top 3 kayak trolling motors. When writing this Top 3 Kayak Trolling Motors article, I was reminded of all the reasons why kayak trolling motors are one of the best pieces of kayak fishing gear on the market today! With them, kayak fishermen can easily navigate difficult waters and avoid paddling those extended distances!
As you might have guessed, there are many different kayak trolling motors available for purchase today. KayakFishingCorner.com has thoroughly researched these availabilities, and has concluded, 100% free from outside influence, that the kayak trolling motors showcased in this Top 3 Kayak Trolling Motors article are the absolute best for kayak fishing purposes! Let us know which one you’ve decided to go with and why, and if you have any questions about any of the top 3 kayak trolling motors, please comment below! We love to receive your feedback and we’d like to share your opinion on this kayak fishing community! Want to learn more about the history of these handy outboards?
Ready to put you kayak fishing skills to the test? Check out this calendar of kayak fishing competitions!
Top 3 Kayak Trolling Motor: Comments
Do you have any questions regarding any of the top 3 kayak trolling motor models or kayak fishing in general? Please share with the rest of the KayakFishingCorner community by posting in the Comments section below.
How loud are these trolling motors? I’m concerned that they’ll scare away the fish! A scared fish is like a scared taste tester, ain’t neither of them gonna bite!
Hi Louis,
The trolling motors that KFHQ has linked to are quiet quiet. That said, no trolling motor is whisper quiet! Remember, assuming you are on a lake that permits motorized vessels, the fish will be somewhat accustomed to the sound of motors in the water, so you’ll probably be OK. That said, you might look into whether a pedal kayak would be a good choice for you. We’ve written our opinion about the Best Pedal Kayak quiet recently!